Sabine Maennel |

My talks, coursework, work experience and blog articles

Past Work Experiences

Sd&M Software Design and Management

(1989 - 1998)

This was a time before github repos even existed. I worked in several projects as a Software Design Engineer for large custom build applications with a variety of langauges and environements.

I took a long break raising my kids, living in the United States with my family, looking into writing

Startup Mentoki

(2013 - 2016)

My startup was an online platform as a service for coaches. The platform was build by me and I also taught them how to set up shop there. In the end we were giving up since we could not compete with the big brands and our coaches did not get enough customers for their classes. But the platform was fully functional.

Blog Onlinekurstechnik


After the startup I kept for a while a blog helping coaches to start up their online business. The blog was German language. It had the same target group that my startup was serving. My idea was to find a different business model for the same target group. But I finally decided to drop the blog as well, since it was a lot of work and did not have a clear goal any more after my startup had failed.

Teaching on Demand

(2016 - 2017)

A student at the local “Fachhochschule” found me via Xing and I was teaching him on demand, about big data, PHP, Javascript, XML, CSS, Apache Pig, Cassandra and more. That way I got exposure to a lot of interesting topics. But teaching on demand is not a very efficient way of teaching. You are often only slightly ahead of the student with your own learning of the subjects. After the student took a break, I stopped this kind of teaching.

Application Challenges


Here you can find an application challenges as a sample of my work. I only got contacted once by a headhunter.

Today: My Goals

My learning is not yet finished. Currently I am enrolled in 2 deep learning programs. Also it is time to start to do serious work again: Open Source and Kaggle provide plenty of opportunity for that.